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I use my brand to promote diversity within healthcare by offering scholarships and mentoring to student nurses. Being from a small home town, you can easily see who has it the hardest. It saddens me to witness some of the brightest individuals settle due to lack of money or less opportunities available. Through our mentoring program they will be matched with a mentor that will help guide them through their nursing journey. Our goal is to lead a collaborative network of nurses and healthcare professionals to support clinical preparation, transition, and persistence to degree completion. Mentoring is more than orientation or preceptor-ship, which may last a few weeks or longer. The duration isn't cast in stone; it is an ongoing relationship that will last as long as the mentor and mentee find meaning and value in it. Having a mentor that is understanding and easy to talk to when it comes to any issues I encountered while in nursing school, definitely would have benefited me. I want to help those students, who may not have a strong support system or anyone to lean on when times get tough, have a better experience. Students who engage in our program will focus on clinical preparedness, how to maintain academic success while in clinical, and ways to sustain a healthy school:life balance. They will also be given the opportunity to network with other nursing students, as well as, nurses from many specialties.

While chronic illness can be a burden, please remember that you -- a human being with value and worth -- most definitely aren't. Just think of your illness as the annoying friend who is always trying to make an unwanted appearance. I created this merchandise to uplift all who suffer from a chronic illness and let this be a reminder of how strong we truly are! All proceeds will go to our Fabuleux Nurses Inc. Scholarship Fund. ENJOY! Thanks for the support in advance!
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"Our job is to love people. When it hurts. When it's awkward. When it's uncool and embarrassing. Our job is to stand together, to carry the burdens of one another and to meet each other in our questions."
Jamie Tworkowski
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